Looked at overall, and in relationship to other (what we might call) "financial" topics debt and being in debt represents something of a conundrum.
Whilst no ordinary person would expect (or want) to understand merchant banking, stock broking or dealing on foreign exchange markets, debt is a remarkably simple thing that we all understand.
Banking, broking and trading are all generally outside the understanding of "normal" people (and probably their interest also) but dealing with debt is all too real for far too many of them.
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Astonishingly, there are no complicated secrets to understanding debt or actually being in debt. Nor, unfortunately, are there any easy solutions, either.
The bottom line is that, whilst there are many avenues through which you can seek assistance to deal with a debt situation, it is only you that can actually sort everything out when you are in a personal debt scenario.
Debt is also a malevolent wee beastie!
It doesn't swagger belligerently up to your front door in broad daylight, announcing it's presence at the top of its voice to one and all.
No, it creeps into your life totally unannounced through that slightly ajar bathroom window in the middle of the night.
Debt is the proverbial thief in the night, and attacks you when you least expect it.
Nor does it take a foolish or reckless person on a crazy spending binge to create a situation of being in debt.
All you have to do is to spend one penny more than you bring in consistently over a long period of time, and there you are!
Now, leaving aside the fact that there are hundreds of factors to consider when dealing with an individual debt problem in the real world, in theory, getting out of debt and staying out is actually relatively straightforward.
It all comes down to reversing the trend or the actions that got you into the debt situation in the first place, by spending less money than you make, on a consistent, long-term daily basis.
That's it.
Bottom line is that there is no other way to avoid getting into or being in debt.
Earn two, spend one, you're in clover.
Earn one, spend two, you're deep in the mire.
Sounds easy, right?
Well, yes, obviously but just because it sounds easy doesn't make it so!
And the reason it is hard, hard, hard to actually avoid being in debt is simply that we are human beings living in the world we live in.
An ever more expensive world of rampant consumerism, a less caring world of ever heightened capital expectations. Everything costs more every day, and we don't always have enough money available at the right time to buy what we need.
Add to that the fact that modern man (or woman) is ever more impatient - I want it, and I want it NOW - and less able to differentiate between want and need, and you have all the ingredients for the most potentially devastating debt time bomb that mankind has ever seen.
It can require incredible long term will power and self denial to avoid the debt monster, and who amongst us can truly say that we are real masters of our own destiny in this respect?
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