Debt management is one of the high probability no risk, high return areas to make you money. Getting the best interest rates on your debt can make a big difference over time.
Most recent statistics show that North Americans have the highest per capita consumer debt in the world. And a vast majority of those are having problems meeting their debt obligations. The cost is thousands of dollars is interest payments. This is reducing their standard of living now and for many years to come.
So how do you avoid the problems and make effective use of credit? Learning how to refinance debt in order to get credit card debt relief and consolidating debt are a couple of ways to help with debt. Here are some tips.
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First you need to set you own credit limit. Many people let others tell them how much they can afford to borrow. Here's what you need to consider when setting your own limits. You may want to consult a credit expert as to how you can improve credit scores
1) You need to decide what amount of money you have available, over and above your living expenses, that you can afford to pay on debt. You must take into account such large purchases as cars, furniture and appliances, plus a safety margin.
2) Evaluate all your current assets at the current market rates and determine what security you can offer the lender.
3) Now's the time to go shopping for money. You are going to gather the information so that you can compare interest rates and payment terms. The security you offer may affect the interest rate, payment and other conditions.
You can get money from several sources such as banks, trust companies, credit unions or other private lenders. Make sure the interest calculations and other information you gather are accurate. Then you can pick the best combination of payment, cost and other terms for the size of the loan you can afford to repay.
Now it's time to meet the lender and make your presentation. You will need to prepare the following information.
- What the money is to be used for
- When it will be needed
- Why it is profitable
- How much you will earn or save
- When the loan will be repaid
- Security you are offering and its market value
Perfect your presentation, for now you are ready to borrow, because now you know you have the ability to get the best possible deal available to meet your goals.
You should review your debts at least annually to make sure you are still getting the best deal. Renegotiations are always a possibility. You can also consider refinancing existing debt such as charge cards and credit cards. The refinancing rates may be considerably lower. You can also sometimes get credit card interest rates reduced if you just ask.
You are looking for the best interest rates. Although finance companies supply a lot of consumer loans, those loans are usually more expensive than a loan you can get at a bank. If you have such a loan it may be wise compare interest rates and get a bank loan to pay off your finance company consumer loans. Contact the finance company and see how much it would cost to pay off the loan early and compare that to what you would save if the loan came from a bank. Then decide if refinancing is an option.
If you can reduce the interest rate today by 5% on a $4,000 loan you will save $200 a year. May be that's not much, but $200 a year invested at 9% for 25 years will be an extra $16,940. You decide if it is worth it.
The other trick to borrowing is to minimize borrowing for personal purposes and borrow for business and investment purposes, because the interest is a deductible expense for income tax purposes. Iff your interest costs $500 a year at a 35% tax rate, you would save $175 a year. In 25 years at 9% that would amount to $9000.
I think you should be starting to see the picture by now. Each of these savings may be small but because of compound interest over time they can make a big difference to your net worth at retirement.
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