People are offered credit cards often. Individuals who choose to use credit cards with abandon soon find themselves facing substantial balances on their cards and hence rising minimum payments. This can be discouraging to some, but many people are on the search for an answer to their credit card problems. Loan originators, mortgage brokers and loan officers can offer great solutions to clients' debt issues, and one way for finance professionals to meet these seeking individuals is by obtaining debt negotiation leads. Debt consolidation leads can be used by finance officers to offer bundling the credit card debt into a home mortgage, paying off the credit card debt and refinancing to obtain a lower monthly payment overall. In this way, smart finance officers can use the opportunity presented by the debt elimination leads to show their clients that refinancing their credit card debt can save them money.
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Certain laws that cover credit card companies allow them to raise their patrons' interest rate and minimum payment amounts without warning. This can cause serious financial difficulties for individuals who have many credit cards that they use. If the bill comes in the mail, and it is much higher than they anticipated, they might be able to pay it if they have money in savings for such contingencies, but chances are many people will be late on a payment or might not be able to make the payment at all. This causes them to default on their credit card contract. This is the problem with unsecured debt, which is the type of debt under which credit cards qualify. Unsecured debt has no asset that is being held to pay the debt in the event that the borrower cannot pay.
A home mortgage, on the other hand, is a secured debt, because the bank can take the home if the borrower cannot pay the loan back. The house is held as the security, which then allows the bank to offer their clients better interest rates than those typically found used with credit cards. Credit cards, in contrast, do not have to extend such favorable loans to their clients because the clients bring no asset with them to secure the debt, hence its unsecured status.
If credit card borrowers are also home owners, there can be some light at the end of the tunnel if they have developed some equity in their home. Mortgage brokers can offer them debt consolidation products, which can include a home refinance and a second mortgage that allows the borrower to take the equity out of the home and use it to pay off the credit card debt. Now all of the debt is secure, and it typically saves the client money as well in terms of the amount paid out monthly.
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